Hot Air Balloon

Hot Air Balloon

A hot air balloon is a lighter-than-air aircraft that is kept afloat by hot air. The hot air inside the balloon is heated by a burner, which causes it to expand and become less dense than the cooler air outside the balloon. This difference in density creates lift, which allows the balloon to rise.

Hot air balloons are typically made of a lightweight fabric, such as nylon or polyester. The fabric is held in place by a network of ropes and cables. The burner is located at the bottom of the balloon and is used to heat the air.

Hot air balloons can be flown solo or with multiple passengers. They are often used for recreational purposes, such as sightseeing and photography. Hot air balloons can also be used for competition, such as in hot air balloon races.

The first hot air balloon was invented in 1783 by the Montgolfier brothers in France. The first manned hot air balloon flight took place in Paris on November 21, 1783. Hot air balloons have been used for a variety of purposes since their invention, including military surveillance, scientific research, and advertising.

Design and Construction

  • Long lasting
  • Various sizes
  • Fine finish
  • Crackproof
  • Easy to use
  • Light weight